Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Me God, Why?

As I tried to figure out what I was going to write about this week, I came across passages in the book of Job, when I realized that just as I have asked God many times, Job was asking God this same question.  Why? 
It's so funny how we humans think!  We have this arrogance about us that we think we are better than everyone else!   Even Job a blameless man, was told by God that through all he suffered, this was his only fault.  We always look at everyone else’s faults and never look at our own, even though we might we blameless, we still have no right to point out another’s iniquity!  Remember what the word says, Why are you trying to take the splinter out of your brothers eye, when you have a log in your own!  We tend to look at other people’s splinters, because the log that we have in our own eye is blinding us from the truth.  Job had a point though, but wasn’t able to see it because he was in his own situation, his log was blinding him!  Arrogance! 

          Job questioned God in the whole 24th chapter, asking Him why the wicked aren’t being punished for their actions.  Job, like many of us who go through trials, was asking the question, Why Me God, Why?  Why not my cousin who does drugs, the man who cheats on his wife, or the pastor who swindles money from the church?  The answer is as simple as this, God allows the blameless man to go through trials and the wicked man brings the destruction upon himself!

          I can remember many times after the death of my son Elijah and my wife Sunnie, asking why me and not someone else?  Little did I know that from a lot of pain and anguish, that God would bring a lot of beauty into my life.  I realize now that if it hadn’t been of the birth and death of my son Elijah, I might not be where I am at today with God if I hadn’t gone through that trial.  I also realize that even through the greatest pain that I have suffered in my life, the passing of my first wife Sunnie, that God has brought beauty from that painful situation.  He has blessed me with a beautiful wife and 5 wonderful children!  So remember this, continue to be a blameless man and let the wicked continue to wicked because soon enough the wicked will fall upon their own sword and the blameless mans blessing is going to come through! 

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Moe!! Very inspiring and encouraging to me brother. You will bless so many people with more blogs, keep them coming. Got me thinking of starting my own. Thanks man!

    Cody Hue
