Saturday, February 5, 2011

Just Let Me Die

            Have you ever uttered these words, not only have I uttered those words, Job a blameless man proclaimed by God, uttered these exact words.  See, but there was a difference between what he wanted to do and what his wife was telling him to do.  Job wouldn’t curse God and die.  Job understood that all that he was, is, and is to become was in the hands of God.  Job knew not to bite the hand that had fed him for so long.
            Sometimes the hand that we are dealt as Christian’s, strains on us to the point that all we want to do is give up and die.  Job, the blameless man, came to this exact spot in his life, but he wasn’t desperate enough to curse all that he believed in.  We need to be like Job, we need to go through the trial and be blameless vs. cursing who has blessed us once before.  Job was the perfect example of what Christ was talking about.  Take up your cross daily.  Job through everything continued to get up every morning and pick up his cross.  Job showed us how to bear our cross everyday.
            Some people think that because we are Christian’s we aren’t allowed to feel like we don’t want to do something.  Job didn’t feel like going through what he was going through, but news flash, remember what Jesus said, Father please pass this cup from me, but if it has to happen with me, I will do it.  Jesus even spoke of a parable about two sons whose father wanted to go to work.  One said no and then went.  The other said I will and never went.  Jesus said who do you think the father was pleased with?
            So many times we do the opposite of Job.  We get down in the dumps and begin to curse God and that is the point we lose our blamelessness.  We tend to forget that we aren’t the only Modern Day Job’s out here in this world.  We think we are the only one’s who go through hardships and no one else has it as hard as you, but truth be, we aren’t promised that living for God will be a breeze or a walk in the park.
            Job, others, and I, could learn a very valuable lesson from a great man of God who was in my life.  James Allen, aka Grandpa Allen to me, laid in a hospital bed in his living room.  Every time someone would come to visit, they would try and pray for him, but instead of them praying for him, he would pray for them.  We need to get that kind of attitude in our lives.  He knew God could heal him, but he also knew that if he didn’t, his reward was waiting.  My grandpa was a Modern Day Job, but unlike Job he didn’t whine about his situation.  He mad the best of it and blessed those who came to bless him.  Although he didn’t get his possessions doubled in the end, he received something greater, “well done thy good and faithful servant.”
            Remember, be blameless, but remember the only way to be blameless is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  If you haven’t received Jesus as of today, message me and I can help you meet Jesus today and become a blameless man!

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